What is a Bereavement Counselor?
How are you coping with Bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic? Bereavement is a painful, stressful, and difficult journey at the best of times. But grieving the loss of a loved one, separation, divorce or loss of a job may be especially challenging during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many parallels between pandemic stress and the bereavement process.
Why does the pandemic create additional strain for the Bereaved?
We live in highly uncertain times, and we are surrounded by fear, anxiety, and illness. But this pandemic will be especially stressful if already grieving the loss of a loved one. Some of the reasons for increased stress may include:
- Being less able to receive in-person support from friends and family, potentially leading to a greater sense of isolation and loneliness.
- A decrease in activity levels which may lead to more "thinking" time and a reduced ability to use hobbies and interests as helpful distractions.
- High levels of social, health, and occupational uncertainty, reducing stability in life as you grieve, which can create difficulty planning for the future.
- More frequent reminders about illness and death, including the fear that you will experience further loss or contracting the disease or an illness yourself.
How can Bereavement Counseling meet your needs?
Highly distressing life events usually entail a complex set of emotional issues to navigate through. It’s a process. You need to go easy on yourself. It is perfectly normal to be on a roller coaster of painful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in such situations. Self-compassion is critical here; you might be trying to cope with too many issues at once. Acknowledging this fact with a bereavement counselor can help put your emotional responses in context.
Currently, everyone is living under difficult and stressful circumstances. The pandemic will be especially challenging for the bereaved. Having a clear coping plan is essential, and many of the bereavement skills and strategies, suggested may form a part of that coping plan to assist you on your journey of grief.